Winner phototographs - Ivan Mikšík


Indian Golden International Digital Salon 2024, India, Monochrome: FIP Ribbon
FOTO PASSION CIRCUIT 2024, India, Monochrome: Certificate of Merit (Salon 5)
STORM PETREL CIRCUIT, Colombia, 2024; PAF Salon, Monochrome: FIAP Gold (+ THUMBS UP);
APS Salon, Monochrome: APS ribbon (+ THUMBS UP)
MILLION DREAMS CIRCUIT, Colombia, 2024; FCCV Salon, Monochrome: Honourable mention (+ THUMBS UP)

Esteem circuit 2024, India; Monochrome: Jury Choice (Salon 4)

8th ONYX 2024 International Exhibition of Photography, Romania; Nature: ONYX Honorable Mention

Best of Day (BOD) in the PSA Facebook Image Competition for June 20, 2024!

Best of Day (BOD) in the PSA Facebook Image Competition for February 15, 2024!

12th Greek Circuit 2024, Greek, Salon "SANTORINI"; Travel: Judges Choice

Best of Day (BOD) in the PSA Facebook Image Competition for January 12, 2024! (Photographed 12.1.2024 at Prague)

Best of Week (BOW) in the PSA Facebook Image Competition for week ending 14th January, 2024!

ELEPHANT KING CIRCUIT, APS, Colombia; Portrait, architecture and animals: Honourable Mention
(THUMBS UP Certificate for your high score image!!!!)

Campina, 2023, Romania; Nature: CIEP Honorable Mention

TAPROBANA Photo Awards 2023, Sri Lanka, Nature: SSP Diploma


Sphere Circuit, 2022, Hydrosphere Salon, India, Photojournalism: Club Bronze
PRAGUE 2023, Czech Republic, Photojournalism: FIAP Blue Ribbon

7. ONYX International Exhibition of Photography), Romania, 2023, Travel: ONYX Honorable Mention

Sphere Circuit, 2022, Atmosphere Salon, India, Nature: Salon Diploma
...Hydrosphere Salon, India, Nature: Club Silver

Sphere Circuit, 2022, Litosphere Salon, India, Nature: Salon Diploma
LAKDIVA Photo Awards, 2022, Sri Lanka, Nature: SSP Diploma

22nd Chhayapath International Salon of Photography (Digital), 2022, India, Emotion: Chhayapath E-CM

17° French Digital Tour 2022, 11° Salon International de Legé France, 2022, Nature: Médaille d'Or FDT
World Photo Stories Circuit, 2022, APS, Bangladesh, Nature: PSA Gold (high score image)
Magical Moments Photo Awards 2022, Sri Lanka, Nature: Chairman choice

ICE Salon 2021, Iceland, Nature: ICE Salon HM

LIGHT&SHADE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SALON 2022 digital, India, 2022, Nature: ISF Diploma
Big North Story 2022, Iceland, Nature: Diploma Salon
Tower Circuit 2022 – Kula, Serbia, Nature: Salon HM

Objective, 2021, Armenia, Travel: FIAP Blue Ribbon


EARTH PHOTO Circuit, 2021, India, Nature: Jury Choice

EARTH PHOTO Circuit, 2021, India, Photo Travel: Jury Choice

BIG NORTH STORY, 2021, Iceland, Nature: BNS HM

EARTH PHOTO Circuit, 2021, India, Nature: ECM AWARD


Light & Life Circuit 2021, Photo Travel: CM
BOISHAKHI PHOTO AWARDS, 2021, Bangladesh, Photo Travel: Honourable Mention



Best of Day (BOD) in the PSA (Photographic Society of America) Facebook Image Competition for January 1, 2021.

Fusion 4th International Digital Circuit 2020, India:
Monochrome - FIP Ribbon (Asansol Photographic Society)

Photo Salon PACU 2020, Uganda: Nature - KAMPALA Diploma

Photo Salon PACU 2020, Uganda: Nature - KAMPALA Diploma

Photo Salon PACU 2020, Uganda: Monochrome - PACU Diploma

Photo Salon PACU 2020, Uganda: Photojournalism - PACU Diploma

Homerun Circuit, 2020, India; Photoclub Panoroma: Travel - Club Silver

Homerun Circuit, 2020, India; Photoclub Panoroma: Photojournalism - Club Bronze

Uganda Photo 2020, Uganda: Monochrome - Kampala Diploma

Uganda Photo 2020, Uganda: Color - PACU Diploma
Photo Salon PACU 2020, Uganda: Color - PACU Diploma

Macedonia Photo 2020, Serbia: Monochrome - PCA Diploma

Macedonia Photo 2020, Serbia: Photojournalism - PCA Diploma

Uganda Photo 2020, Photojournalism - Kampala Diploma

Macedonia Photo 2020, Serbia: Color - PGS Diploma

Macedonia Photo 2020, Serbia: Travel - PGS Diploma
Uganda Photo 2020, Uganda: Travel - Kampala Diploma

Macedonia Photo 2020, Serbia: Nature - PCA Diploma

Grand Photo Salon 2020, Serbia: Nature - PCA HM

Grand Photo Salon 2020, Serbia: Monochrome - PCA Diploma

Grand Photo Salon 2020, Serbia: Travel - PGS Diploma

Grand Photo Salon 2020, Serbia: Color - PGA Diploma

Photo World Cup 2020, Serbia - PGS Diploma (Photo Journalism)
Grand Photo Salon 2020, Serbia: Photojournalism - PGS Diploma

5th EXHIBITION MYSTIC 2020, Serbia - MoL HM (Photo Journalism)

Photo World Cup 2020, Serbia - PGS Diploma (Color)

Photo World Cup 2020, Serbia - PGS Diploma (Monochrome)

Photo World Cup 2020, Serbia - PGD Diploma (Nature)

Photo World Cup 2020, Serbia - PCA Diploma (Travel)

Best of Day (BOD) in the PSA Facebook Image Competition for March 13, 2020

SAM Circuit 2020 - WPAI Bronze (LCC, UDAIPUR - Nature)

PhotoArt PRAGUE International Salon, 2020, Czech republic - FIAP Bronze medail (Nature)
Bangladesh International Photo Awards 2020 - PSA Bronze (Nature)
SAM Circuit 2020 - 2x Certificate of Merit (WPAI, DELHI; LCC, UDAIPUR - Wildlife)
Starwars International Photo Awards, Bangladesh - Honourable Mention (Nature)
Boishakhi International Photo Awards, 2020, Bangladesh - IUP SILVER (Nature)
MP CIRCUIT 2020, India: Certificate of Merit (Nature incl. Wildlife)

Corsica Circuit 2019, Serbia - PGS Diploma (Mono)

Photo World Cup 2019, Serbia - PGD Diploma (Travel)
Layers of Passion Circuit 2019, India - Certificate of merit (Colors)
Homerun Circuit, 2020, India; Camera Club Opera: Travel - ECM
Homerun Circuit, 2020, India; Photoclub Panoroma: Travel- Salon Diploma

20th Chhayapath International Salon 2019, India - Club Silver (category Travel)
Layers of Passion Circuit 2019, India - Chairman choice (Colors)

Photo World Cup 2019, Serbia - PGD Diploma (Monochrome)

Photo World Cup 2019, Serbia - PGD Diploma (Journalism)

Photo World Cup 2019, Serbia - PCA Diploma (Nature)

Photo World Cup 2019, Serbia - PCA HM (Color)
Corsica Circuit 2019, Serbia - PCA Diploma (Color)

PCA Circuit 2019, Serbia - PCA Diploma (Photo Club Arizona) (category Nature)
Photo PCA CIRCUIT 2019, Serbia - GP PCA Gold (Nature)

Circuit Sumadia 2019, Serbia - Salon HM (Photo Club Arizona) (category Nature); PSA HM (Photo Group Stitkovo) (category Nature)

SAM Print Circuit 2019 - 2x Certificate of Merit: Itarsi, Pilakhuwa (category Nature)

Circuit Sumadia 2019, Serbia - PGD Diploma (Photo Group Dragacevo) (category Travel)

Circuit I Love Photography 2019 - Salon HM (Photo Club Arizona) (category Color)

SAM Print Circuit 2019 - 2x Certificate of Merit: Chandigarh, Udaipur (category Nature)

Photo Dream 2019, Serbia - PGD Diploma (category Nature)

1st Lhotse International Salon - 2019, Nepal - IPN Bronze (category Nature)

PCA exhibition: Balkan Dream Circuit 2019 PGD - PGD Diploma (category Nature)

F2 Cities 2019 (Argentina) - Mencion de Honor F2 (category Monochrome)

Miroc digital circuit 2019, 2nd MIROC Exhibition Bergen 2019, Norway, Mountain Landscape: Bekkalokket HM
SNOWY CIRCUIT, Mladost 2020 , Montenegro: Phototravel - Jury Member Diploma

PCA exhibition: Photowinner circuit 2019 PGD - Salon HM (category Nature)
SAM Print Circuit 2019 - 3x Certificate of Merit: Chandigarh, Udaipur, Ratlam (category Wildlife)

CORSICA CIRCUIT 2018, Photo Group Stitkovo: PGS HM; Photo Group Dragacevo: PGD Silver
Adriatic Circuit 2018, PGD (Photo Group Dargacevo): PGD HM

Adriatic Circuit 2018, PGD (Photo Group Dargacevo): PGD HM

CORSICA CIRCUIT 2018, Photo Group Dragacevo: PGD Diploma

CORSICA CIRCUIT 2018, Photo Group Dragacevo: PGD HM

PCA CIRCUIT 2018, Photo Group Stitkovo: PGS Diploma

PCA CIRCUIT 2018, Photo Group Dragacevo: PGD HM

PCA CIRCUIT 2018, Photo Club Arizona: PCA Gold

PCA CIRCUIT 2018, Photo Group Dragacevo: PGD Diploma; Photo Group Stitkovo: Salon HM
CORSICA CIRCUIT 2018, Photo Club Arizona: PCA Diploma

5th International Photography Contest of AFAD - Club Diploma (category Nature)
Ecological truth 2018/13th exhibiton of photography - Zajecar - Serbia (category Nature) - ICS praise 1

Fotoforum Ružomberok 2018 - FIAP honourable mention (category Monochrome print)
1st. PHOTO PCA CIRCUIT 2018 PGD (Photo Group Dargacevo): PGS Diploma (Photo Group Stitkovo)
Adriatic Circuit 2018, PGS (Photo Group Stitkovo): GP PCA Gold

Czech Nature Photo 2018 - Nominovaný snímek v kategorii Příroda v Praze
Czech Nature Photo 2018 - Nominated picture at category Natural World in Prague

Praha fotografická 2018, Fotografováno mobilem, Čestné uznání
Prague Photographic 2018, Caught by a mobile phone, Honorable mention

Citadela 2017 - GRADAC PGI Honorable mention

Zenith Super Circuit 2017 (KONNAGAR MILAN SANGHA) - Chairman choice

JCM Salon 2017 - Certificate merit (category Nature digital)

JCM Salon 2017 - GPU HM (category Nature print)

JCM Salon 2017 - JCM Silver (category Monochrome digital)

JCM Salon 2017 - Certificate merit (category Monochrome print)
Best India Circuit 2018 - Pilkhuwa, Certificate of merit (category Monochrome)
Circuit I Love Photography 2019 - 2x PGS diploma (Photo Group Dragacevo, Photo Group Stitkovo) (category Monochrome)

PCA Photo Salon 2017 - GP PCA Gold (category Nature)
3rd BAWS International Salon 2017 - JUDGES CHOICE (category Nature)
Adriatic 2017 - PCA HM (category Nature)

PCA Photo Winner 2016 - PSA Gold (PSA = Photographic Society of America) (category Travel)

PCA SALON 2016 - SALON Honorable Mention (section Nature)

JCM circuit 2015, Hyderabad (India), Category Travel: Certificate of Merit

E Nature
Diploma from NSPAU: Ivan Miksik, Czech Republic, Fisher

FotoVideo 1/2007 (Fotograf roku 2007), Letem exotickým světem
6. místo/6th place

národní kolo prvního ročníku
National Geographic International Photography Contest 2006
kategorie Kultura a cestování: 2. místo/2nd place
National Geographic Česko, září 2006
Adriatic Circuit 2018, PGS (Photo Group Stitkovo): PGS Bronze

Sport ve fotografii (Pardubice 2006)
(cena firmy Oehling/Prize by Oehling) I

Sport ve fotografii (Pardubice 2006)
(cena firmy Oehling/Prize by Oehling) II

Sport ve fotografii (Pardubice 2006)
(cena firmy Oehling/Prize by Oehling) III

Sport ve fotografii (Pardubice 2006)
(cena firmy Oehling/Prize by Oehling) IV

“Europe’s Countryside Alive“ - BirdLife International; v České republice pod názvem “Život českého venkova“, kategorie "Příroda zemědělské krajiny" ("Countryside Alive") 1. místo/1st place

“Europe’s Countryside Alive“ - BirdLife International; v České republice pod názvem “Život českého venkova“, kategorie "Příroda zemědělské krajiny" ("Countryside Alive") 2. místo/2nd place

“Europe’s Countryside Alive“ - BirdLife International; v České republice pod názvem “Život českého venkova“, kategorie "Příroda zemědělské krajiny" ("Countryside Alive") 3. místo/3rd place

Magazín Fotografie 12/2005 (TopFoto), Zátiší/Still Life - 1. místo/1st place

Magazín Fotografie 6/2005 (TopFoto), Zátiší/Still Life - 1. místo/1st place

Magazín Fotografie 11/2004 (TopFoto), Město a architektura/Town and architecture - 1. místo/1st place

Praha Fotografická 2004 / Photographic Prague 2004 - Čestné uznání (Highlighted)

Magazín Fotografie 11/2002 (TopFoto), TopFoto - Internet - 1. místo/1st place

Magazín Fotografie 8/2003 (TopFoto), TopFoto - Internet - 1. místo/1st place
Vítěz kategorie Internet TopFota roku 2003/Winner category Internet TopFoto 2003

Magazín Fotografie 7/2002 (TopFoto), TopFoto - Internet - 1. místo/1st place
Celkový vítěz TopFota roku 2002/Overall winner TopFoto 2002

PhotoLife 30/2002, Zvířata/Animals - 1. místo/1st place

PhotoLife 17/2000, Zvirata/Animals - 1. místo/1st place

Fotografie Magazín 1/2002 (TopFoto), Krajina a město / Landscape and town - 1. místo/1st place

© Ivan Mikšík

Informace o mne / About me
Informace o práci / My work
Fotografie / Photos
Ornitologie / Ornithology
Kontakt / Contact
E-mail: miksik

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