Awards (List) - Ivan Mikšík
* STORM PETREL CIRCUIT, Colombia, 2024; PAF Salon, Monochrome: FIAP Gold (+ THUMBS UP); APS Salon, Monochrome: APS ribbon (+ THUMBS UP)
* MILLION DREAMS CIRCUIT, Colombia, 2024; FCCV Salon, Monochrome: Honourable mention (+ THUMBS UP)
* KIANNA CLICKS 2024, Sri Lanka, Monochrome: CAPS E-CERTIFICATES
* FOTO PASSION CIRCUIT 2024, India, Monochrome: Certificate of Merit (Salon 5)
* Indian Golden International Digital Salon 2024, India, Monochrome: FIP Ribbon
* Esteem circuit 2024, India; Monochrome: Jury Choice (Salon 4)
* Best of Day (BOD) in the PSA Facebook Image Competition for June 20, 2024
* ARTISAN Agile Photographic Society (A.APS) Distinction Awarded
* 8th ONYX 2024 International Exhibition of Photography, Romania; Nature: ONYX Honorable Mention
* 12th Greek Circuit 2024, Greek, Salon "SANTORINI"; Travel: Judges Choice
* Best of Day (BOD) in the PSA Facebook Image Competition for February 15, 2024
* Best of Day (BOD) in the PSA Facebook Image Competition for January 12, 2024 (Photographed 12.1.2024 at Prague)
* Best of Week (BOW) in the PSA Facebook Image Competition for week ending 14th January, 2024
* Campina, 2023, Romania; Nature: CIEP Honorable Mention
* Kandidát Mistra Svazu českých fotografů 2023 (počtvrté - 4th time!)
* ELEPHANT KING CIRCUIT, APS, Colombia; Portrait, architecture and animals: Honourable Mention (THUMBS UP Certificate for your high score image!!!!)
* TAPROBANA Photo Awards 2023, Sri Lanka, Nature: SSP Diploma
* EFIAP/s (Excellence FIAP Silver: The International Federation of Photographic Art/FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE L’ART PHOTOGRAPHIQUE) - 2023
* PSA (Photographic Society of America): Projected Image Division (PIDC) Color Class - 5th star, Photojournalism Division (PJD) - 2nd star; Summary: Nature Division (ND) - *****; Projected Image Division (PIDC) Color Class - *****; Projected Image Division (PIDM) Mono Class - ****; Photo Travel Division (PTD) - ****, Photojournalism Division (PJD) - **
* 7. ONYX International Exhibition of Photography), Romania, 2023, Travel: ONYX Honorable Mention
* PRAGUE 2023, Czech Republic, Photojournalism: FIAP Blue Ribbon
* LAKDIVA Photo Awards, 2022, Sri Lanka, Nature: SSP Diploma
* Sphere Circuit, 2022, Atmosphere Salon, India, Nature: Salon Diploma; Litosphere Salon, India, Nature: Salon Diploma; Hydrosphere Salon, India, Nature: Club Silver, Photojournalism: Club Bronze
* 22nd Chhayapath International Salon of Photography (Digital), 2022, India, Emotion: Chhayapath E-CM
* 17° French Digital Tour 2022, 11° Salon International de Legé France, 2022, Nature: Médaille d'Or FDT
* LIGHT&SHADE 4TH INTERNATIONAL SALON 2022 digital, India, 2022, Nature: ISF Diploma
* EXCELLENCE SERVICES Distinction - ES.CPE - of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society
* World Photo Stories Circuit, 2022, APS, Bangladesh, Nature: PSA Gold (high score image)
* Magical Moments Photo Awards 2022, Sri Lanka, Nature: Chairman choice
* Tower Circuit 2022 – Kula, Serbia, Nature: Salon HM
* Big North Story 2022, Iceland, Nature: Diploma Salon
* Grizzly, 2021, Guatemala, Nature: DIPLOMA GTP
* ICE Salon 2021, Iceland, Nature: ICE Salon HM
* PINK BIRD, Kenya, 2021, Nature: DIPLOMA PINK BIRD
* Objective, 2021, Armenia, Travel: FIAP Blue Ribbon
* EARTH PHOTO Circuit, 2021, India, Nature: 1x Jury Choice, 1x ECM Award; Travel: 1x Jury Choice
* BIG NORTH STORY, 2021, Iceland, Nature: BNS HM
* BOISHAKHI PHOTO AWARDS, 2021, Bangladesh, Photo Travel: Honourable Mention
* Light & Life Circuit 2021, Photo Travel: CM
* EPSA (Recognition of Photographic Achievement - Excellence; Photographic Society of America) - 2021
* Genius Agile Photographic Society (G.APS) honorary distinction awarded (Bangladesh)
* Honor title distinction of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society - HONORARY - HON.CPE
* PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY PLANET AWARD 2020, Bangladesh - GNG Diploma (Open color), NAPSL Diploma (Nature)
* SNOWY CIRCUIT, Mladost 2020 , Montenegro: Phototravel - Jury Member Diploma
* Best of Day (BOD) in the PSA (Photographic Society of America) Facebook Image Competition for January 1, 2021.
* Fusion 4th International Digital Circuit 2020, India: Monochrome - FIP Ribbon (Asansol Photographic Society)
* MP CIRCUIT 2020, India: Nature incl. Wildlife – Certificate of Merit
* Photo Salon PACU 2020, Uganda: Photo Travel - PACU Diploma, Nature - KAMPALA Diploma, Color - PACU Diploma, Monochrome - PACU Diploma, Photojournalism - PACU Diploma
* Homerun Circuit, 2020, India: Travel - ECM, Salon Diploma, Club Silver, Photojournalism - Club Bronze
* Uganda Photo 2020, Uganda: Travel - Kampala Diploma, Color - PACU Diploma, Monochrome - Kampala Diploma, Photojournalism - Kampala Diploma
* Macedonia Photo 2020, Serbia: Travel - PGS Diploma, Color - PGS Diploma, Nature - PCA Diploma, Monochrome - PCA Diploma, Photojournalism - PCA Diploma
* Boishakhi International Photo Awards, 2020, Bangladesh: Nature - IUP SILVER
* Starwars International Photo Awards, Bangladesh: Nature - Honourable Mention
* GRAND PHOTO SALON 2020, Serbia: Travel - PGS Diploma, Color - PGA Diploma, Nature - PCA HM, Monochrome - PCA Diploma, Photojournalism - PGS Diploma
* 5th EXHIBITION MYSTIC 2020, Serbia, Photo Journalism - MoL HM
* PHOTO WORLD CUP 2020, Serbia: Travel - PCA Diploma, Color - PGS Diploma, Nature - PGD Diploma, Monochrome - PGS Diploma, Photojournalism - PGS Diploma
* SAM CIRCUIT 2020, India: Nature - LCC, UDAIPUR (WPAI Bronze), Wildlife - WPAI, DELHI (Certificate of Merit, LCC, UDAIPUR (Certificate of Merit);
* Bangladesh International Photo Awards 2020 - PSA Bronze
* Best of Day (BOD) in the PSA Facebook Image Competition for March 13, 2020
* PhotoArt PRAGUE International Salon, 2020, Czech republic - FIAP Bronze Medal
* Layers of Passion Circuit 2019, India - 1x Certificate of merit, 1x Chairman choice
* Corsica Circuit 2019, Serbia - 1x PCA Diploma, 1x PGS Diploma
* 20th Chhayapath International Salon 2019, India - Club Silver (category Travel)
* Kandidát Mistra Svazu českých fotografů 2019 (potřetí - 3rd time!)
* Photo World Cup 2019, Serbia - 1x PCA Diploma, 3x PGD Diploma, 1x PCA HM
* Photo PCA CIRCUIT 2019, Serbia - GP PCA Gold (Nature)
* PCA CIRCUIT 2019, Serbia - 1x PCA Diploma
* Circuit SUMADIA 2019, Serbia - 1x PSA HM, 1x PCA HM, 1x PGD Diploma
* EFIAP (Excellence FIAP - The International Federation of Photographic Art/FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE L’ART PHOTOGRAPHIQUE) - 2019
* SAM Print Circuit 2019 - 4x certificate of Merit (category Nature), 3x certificate of Merit (category Wildlife)
* Circuit I Love Photography 2019 - Salon HM (category Color), 2x PGS Diploma (category Monochrome)
* Photo Dream 2019, Serbia - PGD Diploma (category Nature)
* 1st Lhotse International Salon - 2019, Nepal - IPN Bronze (category Nature)
* PCA exhibition: Balkan Dream Circuit 2019 PGD - PGD Diploma (category Nature)
* F2 Cities 2019 (Argentina) - Mencion de Honor F2 (category Monochrome)
* PCA exhibition: Photowinner circuit 2019 PGD - Salon HM (category Nature)
* Miroc digital circuit 2019, 2nd MIROC Exhibition Bergen 2019, Norway, Mountain Landscape: Bekkalokket HM
* December PHOTO CONTEST PCA, 2018 - 4x PCA Diploma
* Adriatic Circuit 2018: PGD (Photo Group Dargacevo) - 2x PGD HM (Photo Group Dargacevo); PGS (Photo Group Stitkovo): 1x PGS Bronze (Photo Group Stitkovo), 1x GP PCA Gold
* Corsica Circuit 2018: PGD (Photo Group Dargacevo) - 1x PCA Diploma (Photo Club Arizona), 1x PGD Silver (Photo Group Dargacevo), 1x PGS Diploma (Photo Group Stitkovo), 1x PGD HM (Photo Group Dargacevo), 1x PGS HM (Photo Group Stitkovo)
* PPSA (Recognition of Photographic Achievement - Proficiency; Photographic Society of America) - 2018
* 1st. PHOTO PCA CIRCUIT 2018 PGD (Photo Group Dargacevo): PGS Diploma (Photo Group Stitkovo)
* PCA CIRCUIT 2018: 1x PCA Gold (Photo Club Arizona), 1x Salon HM (Photo Group Stitkovo), 1x PGD HM (Photo Group Dargacevo), 1x PGD Diploma (Photo Group Dargacevo), 1x PGS Diploma (Photo Group Stitkovo)
* Best India Circuit 2018 - Pilkhuwa, Certificate of merit (category Monochrome)
* AFIAP (Artiste FIAP - The International Federation of Photographic Art/FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE L’ART PHOTOGRAPHIQUE) - 2018
* 5th International Photography Contest of AFAD - Club Diploma (category Nature)
* Fotoforum Ružomberok 2018 - FIAP honourable mention (category Monochrome print)
* Ecological truth 2018/13th exhibiton of photography - Zajecar - Serbia (category Nature) - ICS praise 1
* Praha fotografická 2018, Fotografováno mobilem, Čestné uznání / Prague Photographic 2018, Caught by a mobile phone, Honorable mention
* Czech Nature Photo 2018 - Nominovaný snímek v kategorii Příroda v Praze / Nominated picture at category Natural World in Prague
* Zenith Super Circuit 2017 (KONNAGAR MILAN SANGHA) - Chairman choice
* Citadela 2017 - GRADAC PGI Honorable mention
* Adriatic 2017 - PCA HM; category Nature
* JCM Salon 2017 (India): 4 awards - JCM silver (monochrome digital), GPU HM (nature print), 2x Certificate Merit (nature digital and monochrome print)
* 3rd BAWS International Salon 2017 - Judges choice; category Nature
* Autor Svazu českých fotografů (2017)
* PCA Salon 2017 - GP PCA Gold; category Nature.
* PCA Photo Winner 2016 - PSA Gold (PSA = Photographic Society of America); category Travel.
* Kandidát Mistra Svazu českých fotografů 2016
* PCA SALON 2016 - SALON Honorable Mention (section Nature)
* JCM circuit 2015, Hyderabad (India), Category Travel: Certificate of Merit
* Kandidát Mistra Svazu českých fotografů 2014
* CARPATHIAN DRAG – 2014, Diploma from NSPAU (National Society of Photo Artists of Ukraine) in Category Nature
* Sport ve fotografii (Pardubice 2006) (cena firmy Oehling / prize by Oehling)
* 24. Národní výstava amatérské fotografie 2004 (čestné uznání/honorable mention)
* Praha Fotografická 2004/Photographic Prague 2004 (čestné uznání/honorable mention)
© Ivan Mikšík
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